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Marketing Plan Sums It Up

As a fairly new business a specialist maths school had already attracted a number of students through recommendation and local knowledge, but there was a need to generate a wider awareness within the community to enable the business to grow. Unsure of how to get the message out to new prospects the school approached Marketing Coach UK for help.

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As a fairly new business a specialist maths school had already attracted a number of students through recommendation and local knowledge, but there was a need to generate a wider awareness within the community to enable the business to grow. Unsure of how to get the message out to new prospects the school approached Marketing Coach UK for help.

The marketing plan we put in place was primarily a digital plan, and with a challenging budget would incorporate both organic unpaid activity and Pay Per Click advertising. With the website at this point not listing in the top 100 Google search ranking results some paid advertising would be used to gain a greater opportunity for exposure.

Extensive keyword research was undertaken to determine the best performing keywords for the business. This information was then used to create relevant copy on a website page dedicated to the niche service being promoted and to design a Pay Per Click campaign.

The PPC campaign successfully generated a click rate three times above average. With barely 15 seconds to capture a visitor’s attention clicks cannot guarantee visitor action, a visually engaging website is vital to assist conversion. 

For organic marketing we reviewed the set-up of Facebook and Google business pages and started to be active on both. In addition to assist with search results the business listing on Google maps was set-up and activated. 

At the close of the three month marketing activity plan the maths school was search ranking page one for some keywords and position 3 on Google maps, which is locality driven. There had been a 300% growth in Facebook page Likes with the page ranking in the top 12% for Education in the UK and Google business page was generating clicks to the website. 

This formed a spring board for the school to build on to develop their goals for growth